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How To Make Kratom Tea: Step By Step Guide

How to  Make Kratom Tea?

Kratom is an evergreen tree that is indigenous to Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. It has multiple uses and effects, depending on the user’s goal and the type of strain that is selected.

.Natives used to chew the leaves, dry them, or smoke them. But the most common and preferred method today is drying the leaves and turning them into powder. Users will then consume this powder through a “toss and wash” method. Some consider this method bitter and a bit powdery. However, this is not the only way to take Kratom. Thus many users prefer turning kratom powder into a tea for a much more enjoyable experience.

How Do You Make Homemade Kratom Tea?

Taking kratom through a tea does indeed provide you with a better experience than swallowing it and washing it down with water. This may not be the most time effective as the “toss and wash” method is indeed a quicker process. However, when consumed as a tea its flavor can be comparable to a strong type of green tea – when done right.

To help you with that and to make sure you get the most out of your kratom tea, take a look at the guide below for an easy way to educate yourself about using hot water and kratom to create a new experience.

Tips to Remember

Before we proceed to how to make kratom tea, let’s first discuss a few important things you should remember:

  • Boiling water can affect the chemical properties of kratom. Thus, compromising its effects. So don’t boil the kratom powder directly in the pot and don’t use boiling water from a kettle. To get the right temperature, heat the water only until just below its boiling point. You can also boil water and cool it slightly before adding it to the kratom.
  • No matter how you decide to take kratom, it’s important that you stick with the right dosage. Generally, the right dosage for you depends on your health, age, and other personal factors. However, the common kratom serving is around 2.4 grams or 1 teaspoon. For beginners, start slow. When measuring kratom powder, use a scale rather than spoons to be accurate.
  • Using more water results in a kratom tea with an objectively weaker flavor. To experience the best results, we recommend the previously mentioned dosage.
  • An acidic ingredient like apple cider vinegar or lemon can buffer the reaction where the alkaloid compounds of kratom are broken down. The refreshing taste it provides serves as a bonus.

Step By Step Guide

Kratom Tea Recipe Method 1

What You Need:

  • Your choice of kratom powder and your dosage
  • 1 cup of water
  • Mesh strainer
  • Pot or saucepan with pouring lip
  • Sweetener
  • Small lemon


  1. Put the water in the pot or saucepan.
  2. Heat the water until it’s hot. However, make sure that it does not reach the boiling point.
  3. Squeeze the lemon and drop the juice into the water.
  4. Add a dose of kratom powder.
  5. Stir well until the kratom powder is mixed thoroughly. Make sure that there are no clumps.
  6. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  7. Put the strainer over your cup. You can also use a coffee filter here.
  8. Pour the tea.
  9. Add your choice of sweetener and stir. You can use maple syrup, honey, sugar, or agave juice.
  10. For a larger batch of kratom tea, you can adjust the ingredients accordingly.

Kratom Tea Recipe Method 2

What You Need:

  • Your choice of kratom powder and your dosage
  • 1 cup of water
  • Strainer
  • Honey or sugar
  • Cranberry juice or lemon juice
  • Teapot
  • 1 spearmint tea bag (optional)
  • 1 chamomile tea bag (optional)


  1. Pour the water in the teapot and simmer.
  2. Add the kratom powder.
  3. Let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. If you want to add flavor, you can add spearmint and chamomile tea bags. This step is optional.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or cranberry juice and continue simmering for 5 minutes.
  6. Turn off the stove and let your kratom tea mixture cool. If you added tea bags, remove them too.
  7. Use the strainer to remove the kratom or you can leave the teapot to sit overnight for the kratom to settle at the bottom.
  8. Pour the tea in your preferred cup and add honey or sugar.
  9. To make a bigger batch, you can use 2 to 4 cups of water instead of 1. However, make sure to multiply the other ingredients too.

Kratom Tea Recipe Method 3 (Using kratom leaves)

What You Need:

  • Kratom leaves
  • Pot
  • Strainer


  1. Put water into your pot and let it boil.
  2. Reduce heat.
  3. Add your desired amount of kratom leaves.
  4. Simmer for 10 to 20 minutes. You can also do it in exactly 15 minutes.
  5. Separate the leaves from the kratom tea by letting it run through a strainer.
  6. You can immediately serve the tea or store it. If you would like to add sweeteners like sugar, stevia, maple syrup, or honey to make your tea more pleasing to your taste.
  7. You can keep the leaves after straining and use it for another batch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kratom stronger as a Tea?

No. The effects of kratom tea are typically not stronger than when taken as a powder. Tea kratom will only be as strong as the dose you use and the amount you consume.

Just remember, the effects of kratom vary for each and every individual due to various personal factors.

Does boiling Kratom make it Stronger?

No. Boiling hot water can actually weaken your kratom’s chemical properties. This is why most people consider simmering as the best technique for making kratom tea.

Now, this can be tricky if you’re not a whiz in the kitchen. See, boiling occurs at 212 degrees Fahrenheit while simmering is around 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. As a guide, you can just look at the bubbles. When it’s small, slow, and gentle, that’s a simmer. On the other hand, if it’s strong, rolling, and steady bubbles, then that’s a boil.

Does boiling Kratom Destroy the Alkaloids?

Yes. This is because a kratom’s main alkaloids, which are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, are not resistant to heat. The alkaloids in kratom can degenerate when exposed to extremely high temperatures for an extended period. When this happens, you can expect a less-potent brew.


Making kratom tea at home is simple, effective, and convenient. While tea does require more preparation than any other method of taking kratom, it does taste better than directly consuming kratom in its powder form.

You can also try using different strains of kratom for your tea. However, make sure to purchase only high-quality products from reputable sources to achieve the effects you want. If you’re looking for what kratom to use and where to buy, check out our premium kratom powders here at KratomWholesale.Us.

*Always use caution when preparing any tea kratom varieties.

KratomWholesale.US does not support or suggest the misuse of this product in any way. Product is for scientific and experimental purposes only. Not for human consumption. Please see our disclaimer for details.