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Keep Kratom Legal in USA

We want to let our customers know we are working on this issue with large group of lawyers and lobbyist to make sure this doesn’t happen in the USA. This is creating a rush in the market for kratom powder. We are using the proceeds from each sell to fight the DEA actions against kratom. We are looking for some retailers, individuals and wholesalers that would be interested in joining the fight against DEA ban. This would have no expense to you and the work we do would be paid for by a pro kratom organization. If your interested please contact us through the websites contact page. We need a long list of plaintiffs to add to a complaint that will be filed to stop the Ban.

Take Action Now and Email Your Senator Asking Him to Stop The Ban. CLICK LINK BELOW



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KratomWholesale.US does not support or suggest the misuse of this product in any way. Product is for scientific and experimental purposes only. Not for human consumption. Please see our disclaimer for details.